
The SchoolFruities is a fruits and vegetables program designed to help growing children get sufficient vitamins and minerals in their daily diet. With the SchoolFruities program we make students conscious of the importance of fruits and vegetables in their diet. Using a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables we educate in creative ways about nutrition, the environment and the significance of including fruits and vegetables in our daily diet.

Introducing the SchoolFruities program became necessary because it has been observed that a lot of parents skip fruit from meals. The reasons range from ignorance to being too busy to source for them. We seek to provide a service that bridges this gap, ensuring the children get adequate nutrition.  The importance of fruits in our diet cannot be overemphasized, the benefits ranging from keeping away diseases to aiding digestion.

Our Menus are:

  • Fresh, Delicious, Nutritious and Made from Scratch
  • Natural
  • Free from Sugar and Preservatives

The goal of our program is to:

  • Inspire children to imbibe the culture of eating fruit as part of their daily diet, knowing its potential in keeping them healthy.
  • Teach children why a healthy diet which should include fruit and vegetables can increase energy levels, overall fitness and performance.
  • Encourage students to value eco-friendly practices and recycling.

The Grange SchoolFruities delivery and cafeteria programs encourages eco-friendly practices by making use of recyclable packaging materials that appeals to the sensory organs of the children. This also ensures your environment is not littered.

No child is the same and they all have different likes and dislikes, therefore we strive to provide a wide variety of daily selections so no child is turned away.

Full Service Cafeteria Program

  • Our team uses commercial grade plates, bowls and utensils eliminating disposables
  • Our team prepares and supplies fresh fruits salads, juices and smoothies
  • We transport the menu to their destination in cool boxes that keeps them refrigerated just in time for the schools break time.
  • Choices of fruits and vegetables can be made and they will be included in the School menu as required
  • Menus are changed periodically to give room for varieties and encourage children to explore nature.
  • We have good food handling, sanitation and quality assurance program
  • Orders can be placed weekly, monthly or termly in advance.


Nutrition and Education

The Grange SchoolFruities program educates about nutrition and the environment. We strategically place posters and signs in central eating areas and plan to include daily “Fruitie Facts” with delivered menus.

We believe that cafeterias or any central eating area is an excellent venue for students to learn more about nutrition and the environment while eating.

We strive to teach:

  • Nutritional content of vegetables, fruits and other nutrient dense foods.
  • How nutritional content of foods impact overall health, fullness, hunger and energy levels.
  • Why recycling and reducing our personal impact on the environment is important.
  • What sustainable agricultural is and why it is an important eco-friendly trend.


We strive for excellence in our area of operation. Our recipes are constantly modified to cater for nutritional needs of children; all are prepared from the scratch.

If your School, Camp or Program would like to know more please contact us on 08081349353 or email us on